Monday, April 18, 2011

Alex’s D.A.R.E. Graduation

This time last year I was blogging about Rachel’s DARE graduation I can’t believe how fast a year has gone by. I wish I could slow down the clock!

The best part about DARE graduation was watching Alex prepare for this day. About a week before graduation she went to the mall with some friends (and a parent chaperone) to buy a dress with her own money. She sent me a text from the mall to tell me she found a dress but it was strapless and wanted to know if she wore a jacket over it could she buy it. I gave her the ok! I’m happy that so far when it comes to modesty she has no problems with it.  I really hope she takes this attitude into her teen years.

The BIG day came and she even wanted me to curl her hair and put a flower clip in her hair. These kinds of requests are so not my daughter I was happy to comply. Doesn't she look so grown up? Can you tell that these girls went shopping together?

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