Sunday, October 11, 2009

Something To Think About

I attended Time Out For Women for the first time this year. It was great to spend two days with friends and listen to uplifting speakers, I walked away with so much. Just a couple tidbits I would like to share:
"The future of the world has long been declared. The final outcome between good and evil has been determined......the scary thing is we are still trying to decide which teams jersey we are gong to wear." — quotation attributed to Jeffrey R. Holland

"If you can laugh at it then you can live with it. Humor helps us keep a good perspective." - Brad & Debbie Wilcox

"When we have children who seem to be making the wrong choices we can gain confidence in knowing that our Heavenly Father loves them as we do. Sometimes painful experiences pave the way for us to become who we are meant to be. That's why Heavenly Father can't change things for us." - Emily Watts

The lovely women I spent two days with


Ginger said...

Thanks for the quotes, they are great. Oh, and Linda, you sure look SEXY in that picture.