Sunday, August 23, 2009

¡Mm, Qué Rico!

My sister-in-law, Kiersten, invited me over to learn how to make tamales yesterday. Her friend, Rona, came over to teach us and it was way fun to learn to cook something new. Now I understand why tamales are only made a few times a year: they are a lot of work. As with any kind of hard work you get to reap the rewards, in this case my tummy gets to reap the rewards. The process from start to finish with 4 people helping took 4 hours yielding about 80 tamales.

You would think growing up with the last name Chavez I would know how to make this delightful dish unfortunately this is one dish my family never made! Oh and we also learned how to make homemade corn tortillas…. ¡Mm, qué rico!


Ginger said...

Fun times. Mmmmm, tamales!