Seth and I were asked to help out as support staff on our Stake Trek. At first I was not thrilled to go and as I thought about it I realized that I needed to step up and do hard things. As much as I hate to camp and be cold and dirty I knew that I needed to be an example to Rachel and Alex. Rachel was old enough this year to go, though she had a few trials to face. The Trek was physically and emotionally challenging but she endured and overcame the challenges she was faced with. It was hard to see her go through these experiences on her own but I’m so proud of her for going. She loved her Trek family and they loved her. During this week we saw many miracles, and was involved in some. After this experience I have a better understanding of Isaiah 41:10:
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
I learned that our Heavenly Father is always with us and strengthens us. Sometimes He does this through Young Womens leaders, friends, and family. Heavenly Father used Rachel's leaders as the instrument to perform the miracles we saw. I’m so grateful that my girls have leaders who love them and are great examples for them.
I survived the Trek and so did Rachel. Seth had so much fun with the black powder riffle activity he wants to do this again in 4 years! I don’t think he realizes that in 4 years he will be an even older old man – 50!
Rachel’s Trek Family
Getting Ready to Leave

Rachel sharing an experience she had with me
So tired!
Black Powder Rifle Shooting
Playing Cowboys
Sleeping Quarters
Camp Site
They made it and they are smiling!
Rachel with her Trek Ma
Rachel with her Trek Pa
Looking at these pictures 5 months later brings back so many wonderful memories of the experiences our family had. I can even feel the Spirit as I sit here and type.
Just in case you're wondering what a Trek is:
Every four years the youth of Chandler Arizona Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints depart on a multi-day reenactment of a 19th century handcart pioneer trek. The trek experience allows the youth to gain appreciation for those that paved the way before, to learn valuable lessons of perseverance, and strengthen their testimonies in Jesus Christ.