The girls and I started off the morning by running in the first annual Gobble Wobble & Pumpkin Plod. These girls were such good sports about getting up to go running at 7:30 am on a no-school day. The bribe of Mexican hot chocolate helped! We ran in the Pumpkin Plod – 2 mile race. After the race Rachel said, “I’m glad we did this, I feel accomplished,” and so did I. I was reminded that I’m totally out of shape and still feeling it a few days later.
I’m very grateful for my family. We’ve had a trial or two to deal with this year but through those trials we can still find a lot to be thankful for.
I’m thankful that we have family locally that we can share the holidays with.
I’m grateful in a selfish way that the blizzard in Utah kept Seth’s brother and his family home this year for Thanksgiving! Sorry Utah family!!
I’m grateful for friends who have been like family that we can share the holidays with.
I’m grateful that these boys did not burn down my house! (They were building rockets and lighting them at my kitchen table.)
I’m grateful that Alex & Rachel have cousins that live locally and get to see and hang out with.
I’m grateful for this picture, it represents the fabulous day we had and all the love that was shared in our home.
A few other families were missing on this day Dave, Jenn and their kids who will be moving to Utah and all my family in California. You all were missed!